Eco Materials

We have taken a giant step for the environment by the use of ecomaterials. Eco-friendly construction can not only help to create a better outdoor environment, it can also help to build a healthy indoor environment. As interior designing is well established business but with the use of ecomaterial for construction we have taken this business a step forward for the sake of environment protection and conservation. Green buildings provide good ventilation designs, breathable walls and the use of natural, non-toxic products and materials, low maintenance cost and energy efficiency. Our new eco efficient recycling route has been implemented to maximize resources and energy recovery from post consumer waste. Eco material interior include eco flooring, bamboo, cork, coconut shells etc, eco paint, clay and starch, earthen plaster, fiberglass, recycled metal and plastics and the products certifies on their index of eco friendliness. Our designers are accommodating a growing demand for affordable and innovative eco friendly products, as we noticed the trend and a few standout products to support green build, as it’s also become fashionable to seek out unexpected alternative and innovative building and design material, altogether extending active role in environment protection. We have carefully considered the materials used to construct and fit out homes.With the support of emerging eco-technology, we have replaced certain environment disturbing products with enviro friendly products by substitution of usual fillers like silica, carbon black with nano biofillers, as it would result into an healthy living surrounding, besides putting burden on the earth and its natural resources. Also, development of technical products and new materials for anti-noise walls, wall partitioning or ground/ roof coatings based on customer needs. Green building is not only wise but intellect choice for the future, as we believe in creating sustainable homes that are good for their occupants and the environment.

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